The Widecombe Social Club
The Social Club's events start up again in March with a short film written and produced by local residents Sarah and Phillip Reeve
The Widecombe Social club meets every second Thursday of the month between March and November. We don’t meet in winter just because its too wet and cold to face going out!
The Club started out many years ago as the Widecombe Women’s Institute, then transformed into the Ladies Social Club, but is now unrestricted and open to all.
The Club meets at 7:30 at Church House, admission £2. A raffle is also held - tickets £1 - and people bring along a wide variety of items for prizes. Refreshments are provided after the talk.
A number of the talks are by local residents covering either their jobs or hobbies and interests, and the topics covered are very varied. For instance this year : in May we have a talk of the trip to New Zealand taken by some of the cattle farmers last November, and the local Post Office master Stuart Rogers will be giving a talk in September. Also on the schedule is “Life as a Fireman” from Paddy Gaunt in April, a trip to a local resident’s garden in June, a talk on the Royal British Legion by Carol Arnold in July, and photographs of Torbay’s past in November.
There’s still a couple of slots to fill, so if anyone has a suggestion please contact Rose ( 0631238 / )
The calendar kicks off on 14th March with a short film entitled Gwenevere, about the journey queen Gwenevere must make to Amesbury Abbey after being exiled from Camelot. Sarah and Philip have written, directed and produced the film, and it has already been shown at the Moretonhampstead film festival and Torquay Museum.
Also I would like to just take this opportunity to thank Rose for organising the calendar, to Sue as our Treasurer and Peter for his technical help!
The Ladies Lunch club
The Ladies Lunch Club meets at the Old Inn every 4th Wednesday of the month at 12:30. Let Rose know if you wish to attend, so she knows how many places to book each month.